LATEST UPDATE June 7th 2020
While our studio remains closed by Government Mandate, we are offering Virtual Painting Workshop classes. Once you book your virtual class, our team will be in touch with you, to arrange for curbside pickup of painting supplies. For more information, please visit the painting workshop page.
May 2nd 2020
With the “Shelter in Place” directive issued by Alameda County, our Pleasanton Studio will remain temporally closed until further notice. We will be closely monitoring the situation, and watch for directives and guidelines from the City, County, State and Federal agencies. We will continue to provide updates via this blog post. For more information, please visit:
Mar 12th 2020
Dear Customers,
With the spread of Corona Virus, it is understandable that some of you may be concerned. At Creatif, we strive to follow strict cleaning and sanitizing procedures after every event. Keeping our studio safe is of utmost importance to us and we wanted to share with you our best practices, to ensure a safe and clean environment.
Here are some of the steps we take to keep our studio clean:
- After every event/painting session, we wipe down all the hard surfaces with disinfectant wipes.
- We replace all table covers and paper sheets after each event.
- We thoroughly wash our paint brushes with soap and warm water after each event/painting session.
- We periodically wipe down our Kiosks, Artpads and Front desk.
- Our team uses gloves when serving food.
- We have hand sanitizers in our event room and encourage kids and parents to wash hands thoroughly or use hand sanitizer after the painting sessions.
At Creatif, all parties take place in our 100% private party room, so your interaction is limited to your event guests.
We encourage all our customers to follow CDC guidelines. Information from CDC can be seen here –
Thank you,
Team Creatif