Camp Terms And Conditions
General Release
I/We the parent(s) or guardian(s) of the minor child, hereby grant permission for my/our child to participate in all activities conducted by a Creatif® franchised location, or a Creatif® location operated by Creatif, LLC, Creatif Franchising LLC, and/or it’s affiliates (each, a “Franchised Location and collectively, the “Franchised Locations”). Further, I/We acknowledge that my child/camper is over 5 years of age and under the age set by the camp location guidelines, and is able to independently participate in all camping activities. I/We agree to assume all risks and liabilities associated with my/our child’s participation in said program(s) and to hold Creatif, the Franchised Locations and any of its agents or employees harmless from all claims which may arise as a result of such participation. In case of emergency, the Créatif Franchised Location has permission to take my child to the nearest hospital. I understand that I will be liable for all charges incurred towards transportation, any medical procedures. medications and treatment of my child. I certify that my child’s medical information is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I give permission for a Creatif Franchised Location staff member to seek emergency care for my child in the case of my absence.
Photo Release
I understand that Creatif Franchised Location may photograph my child during camp. Registration grants permission to use photographs in Creatif, LLC and Creatif Franchising LLC publications and approved media sources unless I request otherwise in writing.
To Parents of Children with Special Needs
Each Creatif Franchised Location is committed to full and equal opportunity for children to enjoy the camp experience and reasonable modifications will be considered. If your child has serious behavioral, physical or psychological considerations, please discuss camper readiness with our staff.
Camper Expectations
The Creatif Franchised Location reserves the right to decline the application of any child, or send home any child who, according to the Manager’s discretion, is disrupting the experience for other campers. If a camper is dismissed due to behavioral/social issues, tuition is not refundable.
In the case of illness or absence, the responsible adult needs to call the Creatif Franchised Location. If withdrawing the student from camp earlier than the last day of the session, Store Manager needs to be notified in writing, of the last day of camper. No refunds or makeup will be offered for missed camp days.
A refund will only be given if a cancellation request is received 21+ days before the start of your camp start date. If you cancel after the camp session starts or less than 21 days prior to the start date of your session, no refund will be offered for cancellations. Similarly rescheduling will only be allowed if the request is received 21+ days before the start of your camp, subject to spot availability.
Illness Policy
The following guidelines have been developed in order to provide a safe, healthy environment for our campers:
If a camper has one or more of the following symptoms, he/she will be sent home and will not be allowed to return to the Creatif Franchised Location until he/she has had 24 hours of medication and fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications. Please note that if a camper returns to the summer camp prior to 24 symptom-free hours at home, a parent may be called to take his/her child home. A doctor’s release may be required to reenter after an illness. No refunds or makeup will be offered for missed camp days.
Fever in excess of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit
Excessive sneezing with cold-like symptoms
Excessive coughing or difficulty in breathing
Unidentified rash
Ear infection that has not been treated by a physician
Excessive runny nose with colored mucus
Discharge from eyes or ears: any incidence regardless of whether related to illness
Open wound, sore or blister that cannot be covered by clothing or bandage.
If your child has any symptoms of illness not mentioned above, (listlessness, pale, flushed, stomach ache, etc.) the staff will contact the parent. The Creatif Franchised Location has the right to request that a parent pick up a child deemed too ill to remain at the camp. If a parent cannot pick up the child, other emergency contacts on the camper’s paperwork will be called. Failure to pick up a child in a reasonable time could result in the expulsion of the camper. Campers will not be released for any reason, including illness, if a parent or an emergency contact cannot be reached.
All medications, prescription and/or over-the-counter must have a doctor’s note and signature along with dosage instructions for your child. Medications will be administered by our camp staff and a daily record will be kept of medications given. We cannot accept any medications at camp that do not have signed paperwork by the doctor. Also – medicine must be placed in a ziploc bag and labeled with the child’s name and dosage instructions.
What to bring each day of the camp:
– Backpack (labeled)
– Water bottle (labeled )
– Healthy Snacks (Nut Free) – 1 Snack for Full day campers . Optional for half day campers
– Lunch( Nut Free) – Full Day campers only
Upon Arrival
Please don’t forget to sign in your camper. If you have two or more children attending the camp, you will be required to sign them in, individually. The sign in sheet will be present in our event room. If you have an Outside Emergency(non-camp related) during Camp hours and need to contact your camper, you can call the Creatif Franchised Location.
When picking up your camper, you will be asked to show your photo id. You will be required to sign them out prior to picking them up. If you have two or more children attending the camp, please sign them out, individually. The sign out sheet will be present in our event room. Please remember to take all your items such as lunch boxes/non-disposable lunch bags, water bottles, project work etc.
Important Pick up policies
Children will only be released to persons authorized at the time of registration. Parents and guardians can authorize another pick up person in writing; however, identification will need to be presented at the time of pick up. Children must be picked up promptly at their session end time. Parents will be charged $15 for every 15 minutes post the camp end time. Attempt to contact the parents/guardians will be made 5 mins after the camp end time; if no response is received 15 min post session end time, emergency contacts will be notified.